Who we are

The Metropolitan Unit of Thessaloniki was designated as the Intermediate Body of the Operational Program “Central Macedonia” 2014-2020 with the Assignment of Duties / Responsibilities for the evaluation and selection of the Acts of the “Strategy for Sustainable Urban Development of the Metropolitan Unit of Thessaloniki”, with the no. decision 3411 (Government Gazette 2457 / B ‘/ 19.07.2017).

The Metropolitan Unit of Thessaloniki undertakes the responsibilities and tasks for the evaluation and selection of operations within the approved Strategy for Sustainable Urban Development entitled: “Strategy for Sustainable Urban Development of the Metropolitan Unit of Thessaloniki” according to article 7 and Reg. 1301/2013 and article 123 par. 6 of Regulation 1303/2013, as defined in article 3 of the Official Gazette.