Our Strategy

Metropolitan Thessaloniki is the Strategy for Sustainable Urban Development of the Region of Central Macedonia, the integrated plan for the regrowth and sustainable development of the metropolitan area of ​​Thessaloniki. Metropolitan Thessaloniki was approved on 26/06/2017 by the Special Management Authority of the Operational Program of the Region of Central Macedonia.

For the first time, an innovative model of metropolitan administration is being effectively implemented to address chronic problems and upgrade degraded areas. This innovative model of metropolitan administration:

a) has been included as a good practice in the European REFORM program of INTERREG Europe

b) has been awarded the “Bravo Governance” award of the BRAVO institution, which is an institution of dialogue and promotion of initiatives that promote Sustainable Development, supporting the creation of Greece of tomorrow (this is an initiative organized by the “QualityNet Foundation ” in the framework of the Initiative “Sustainable Greece 2020”

c) has been included as a model of metropolitan administration for the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans in the new ELTIS guide of the new period.

With Metropolitan Thessaloniki, 100 million euros are invested in necessary and supra-local projects, which meet the real economic, environmental, climatic and social challenges, utilizing the existing possibilities and human resources of the city with determination and dynamism.

The Strategy is organized in four axes:

Through the “Metropolitan Thessaloniki Competitive & Innovative” axis, 16 million euros are invested in projects to address the economic crisis, restore the city’s economy, promote culture and support tourism.

Through the “Metropolitan Thessaloniki Cohesive” axis, 13 million euros are invested in projects and actions to strengthen social protection and cohesion and the integration of disadvantaged and vulnerable groups.

Through the “Metropolitan Thessaloniki Green & Resilient” axis, 65 million euros are invested in projects to promote environmental protection, enhance sustainable urban mobility and address the effects of climate change.

Through the “Metropolitan Thessaloniki Effective” axis, 6 million euros are invested in projects and actions for the modernization of the public administration and services for the better coordination of the local bodies and the metropolitan synergies.